Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Evaluation of Digital Showcase

The Digital Showcase was last week, where all the teams trailers were shown off, and everyone's printed artwork, drawings and what not; were all hanging up on big poster boards, and on tables for everyone to look at.

I personally think that the showcase did what it was intended to do, i.e. showing off everyones completed trailer and work, including printed work and drawings and what not. Also, I got to see everyone elses trailers, and I hadn't seen before. I was really impressed with some of the 3D work in some of the trailers; really professionally made.

A lot of visitors turned up at the showcase, including a few professionals, and student's parents. They all went around looking at all our trailers and artwork.

There was a football match on a TV in one of the rooms that a few people were watching. I personally don't think this was a very fitting thing for the showcase, as it distracted quite a few people.

Overall, I think the showcase went well; it did exactly what it was intended to do; show off everyones completed trailers and artwork/concept art.

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