Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Identify the Roles of your Team

Charlotte: Game Designer. Her job would involve devising the game world, setting, story, characters, items, and all other elements of the games structure and such like. It would be her responsibility to ensure that the whole team understands and shares the original concept and vision of the game.

Andrew: Animator. His job would be animating characters, vehicles, scenery, etc. One main job he would do would be making "cutscenes", which are the games pre-rendered, non-linear sequences.

Miles: External Producer. He would work away from the main team, usually working for a game producer, and ensure everything ran smoothly regarding the delivery of a game. He will often be making trips between the game publisher and developer, to ensure eveything runs smoothly between development and publishing processes.

Lee: Artist. His job would involve drawing all the visual elements of the game, from characters, to objects, textures, and so on. He would also create stroyboards and concept art.

Me: Game Programmer. My job would involve the programming of games, including scripting, physics programming, AI, interface and control systems.

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