Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Some problems of working in a team include:

Punctuality at meetings. If everyone is not present at the meeting on time, it can delay the whole project, making it more difficult to meet deadlines, and possibly miss them.

Time management. If the team doesn't manage their time effectively, quality can be affected due to not being able to spend sufficient time on areas of the game that need to be perfected.

Arguments. This could be a problem because it would hold things up. By making sure that any new idea is one everyone agrees with, this would avoid this problem.

Financial. The average cost for a game trailer is anything from £1500 to £15,000. One thing the team would have to do would be to manage their finances effectively. If the team runs out of money, they would not be able to create the gametrailer. They might lose members of the team, or perhaps even the whole team.

Patents, etc. Patents are insurance/protections for ideas and creations that prevent other people from just taking that idea and passing it off as their own. Our team would have to make sure they patented their gametrailer and made sure that royalties would be paid to them if anyone wanted to use the content they had created.

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