Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scene heading: Muscle bound Milkman finds out the truth!

Setting: Inside the Super City

Action description: MBM is running around the streets and through the buildings of the self contained super city, calling out for his wife, and waving his trusty 12-gauge around. Random characters walking around.

MBM: Wife! Wife! Where are you?

Random character: Wife? Which wife?

MBM: My wife! Have you seen her?

Random character: No. What does she looks like?

MBM: She is very thin, doesn’t have much personality, doesn’t smile much, and doesn’t move around much. But I love her!

Random character: Never seen someone like that. I tell you what, though, go and find Officer Jones. He might know where she is. I last saw him on the corner of Obama street.

MBM: Okay, thanks!

Transition: Pan following MBM down the street

Action description: MBM runs to Obama street, and sees Officer Jones standing outside the police station.

MBM: Hey! Officer Jones! Boy, am I glad to see you. Have you seen my wife? She went missing and someone said that you might know where she is?

Officer Jones: Okay, stop waving that gun around! Jesus! You’re gonna get someone killed!

MBM: Okay, sorry. I’m just in a bit of a panic at the moment.

Officer Jones: Okay, sit down here.

MBM: Okay.

Transition: Pan to seating

Action Script: MBM and Officer Jones go and sit down on some chairs.

Officer Jones. Son, I’ve got something to tell you; and I don’t know how; (pause) but someone has to tell you. Your wife… was a cardboard cut-out the entire time. I’m so truly sorry.

Transition: Fade out to next scene

This is my script of the chosen story for our game trailer. It was written by me and Chris Dewey. We looked at the storyboard that Andrew had done, and planned how it would all work. We made it so that the MBM (Muscle-Bound Milkman) would be searching around the SCSC (Self-Contained Super City) looking for his wife. He would then run into a random character who tells him to look for Officer Jones. OJ would then tell him the truth about his wife when MBM finds him.

I enjoyed making this; it was fun doing the voice acting. I did the voice of MBM and the Random Character. Chris did OJ. Overall, I think it was a good project.

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