Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Dark Shock logo

My influence for creating this logo were some pictures of fork lighting I found on the internet. Particually the night time ones.

I then chose one of the lightning pictures, and copied it into Photoshop. Using the Marquee oval tool, I selected the area I wanted for my logo. I then copied and pasted it into a new Photoshop document.

I then went to the image menu, adjustments, variations, and played about with the image until I was happy with the colour style. I then adjusted the saturation.

I then made two more layers, and typed in the words Dark Shock. I put them on seperate layers so I could move them around more easily. I selected the layer "Shock", then went to "Layer style". I experimented with Drop Shadow, Inner Glow, and Emboss.

Once I was happy with this layer, I copied the layer style to the word "Dark". I then rotated and moved the words to where I wanted them.

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