Thursday, December 17, 2009

Snow fall with light test render

Another snow fall test render, this time with a Target Spot, and an added spotlight for extra effect.

Snow flake test renders

Theses are two 3DS MAX renders I've done of snow falling.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Emotion & Mood: Sound effects music, etc.

The Hong Kong movie "Tiger on the Beat" has a chainsaw fight that breaks out between the main protoganist and antagonist, with the protagonist eventually winning. During the fight, there are many sound effects used to make the watching audience think many different things. For example, sword-like sounds happen when the chainsaws collide, and when a chainsaw strikes an object, it kind of sounds like a shredding kind of sound, and when the antagonist gets killed, there is very dramatic music. The sound effects try to make the scene very action-packed, and it does a very good job of it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Creating landscapes in 3DS Max and Photoshop

I created a new image file in Photoshop, 512X512 pixels, and 72 DPI. It must be square for use in 3DS Max. I created dark and light areas in the image using Photoshop tools.

3DS Max landscape

My first landscape made in Photoshop and 3DS Max.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My 3DS Max Bouncing Ball animation evaluation

Does the end product match your original intentions?
Yes, it did match my original intentions. It works how I wanted it.

Is the end product appropriate for your intended audience?
Yes. It would be appropriate to show my intended audience, typically in the age of 7+ range.

Discuss the technical aspects of your work and highlight the strengths/areas to develop.
I created my animation in Autodesk 3DS Max. I created the ball, the stairs, the ramp, and the teapot. I then animated the ball so that it bounces down the steps, rolls along the ramp, and hits the teapot sitting on the ledge above. I liked the camera rotating around the scene, but I wasn’t so keen on the animation being a bit dodgy, i.e. not being smooth, or realistic.

Discuss the aesthetical aspects of your work and highlight the strengths/areas to develop.
All the objects in the animation are different colours. I chose this because I felt that having everything different colours would be more interesting than just one colour. I thought it looked effective, especially the part where the ball knocks the teapot off the ledge. I think it would have worked better if the teapot fell off the ledge further, as it only falls a bit then stops.

What have you learnt from this experience?
I have learnt more about how to use 3DS Max, as before I started this course, I had absolutely no knowledge of the program whatsoever, so I’ve learnt a whole lot more of how to use 3DS Max.

Did you meet the deadline?

Did you have any problems with time management?

If you had the opportunity to make this product again, would you do anything different?
Yes, I would improve the animation greatly, i.e. I would spend more time making the animation better quality, improve the physics, and make it seem more realistic.

Are you happy with the overall product?
Yes, but as I’ve said, if I made it again, I would improve it.

This is the rendered version of my 3Ds max animation.

Here is a link to an animation where I got my original ideas from, and the quality I was aiming for.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My final storyboard

This is a modified version of my original storyboard. Notable changes I have made are: Tom and Jerry now make an appearance in Tahiti. I felt this was necessary because I felt that it was a bit boring just having BBC Micro just going to Tahiti, laying on a sun bed, and going back. I have added Tom and Jerry style text to adopt the style of authentic Tom and Jerry storyboards or comics. Similarly, the text for the BBC Micro is computer style.

I changed the layout from landscape to portrait because I felt it suited the style of which I was going to lay it out. Also I made some of the boxes different sizes, where as the original the boxes were all the same size.

My original storyboard

This is a storyboard sketch plan that I’ve made. It starts with the BBC Micro in a garage, with several other computers sleeping. The BBC then wakes up, gets off his shelf, and opens the door, where a swirling vortex in the garden draws him in. It drops the BBC in Tahiti, where he sits down on a deck chair for a few minutes. Then, the vortex starts to close, and the BBC goes back though it, and gets dropped off back home, where he goes back into the garage, gets back into bed, and sleeps.

Icon for Sci-Fi

This icon represents Sci-fi. It is a picture of a black hole, which is a fairly common theme in space-related games/films. The black hole is surrounded by stars, which is a very family-friendly theme. The intended audience is everyone from ages 5-6 upwards.

Icon for Fantasy

This icon represents Fantasy. It is intended for people of all ages, as it contains themes and characters that will appeal to both kids and adults.

Icon for Humour

This icon represents humour. It is a picture of a cartoon with an enormously oversized head. My intended audience for this is kids, because it contains absolutely nothing inappropriate for kids, and most of its content is targeted for kids.

Icon for War

This icon represents war. It is a picture of a target, and a rifle, with blood splats around it. My intended audience for this icon are teen to adult. As it contains a lot of references to violence, guns and killing.

Movie icon for Horror

This icon represents horror. It is not offensive because it does not depict any violence, blood, gore, sex, drugs, or profanity.

My intended audience for this icon are people who are looking to check that the movie/game doesn’t contain any of the above. Consequently, by not including any of the previously mentioned characteristics, this icon is suitable for that audience.