Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3DS Max Environment

When I first started making this in 3DS Max, I found it a bit daunting at first, as I wasn't that skilled in 3DS Max. But once I got into it, the rest was a bit easier to do.

All the buildings are made up of standard primitives; i.e. boxes, cylinders, pyramids, etc. so they were easy to make. I decided to make all the buildings in different colours to make them stand out more. I initially planned to have a train track line running along infront of the buildings, but I scrapped this idea for a road instead, as it was alot easier to make.
Overall, I think this project was quite fun. I had quite a good time making the buildings in 3D Max. I also learned quite a lot more about 3D Max, so that helped alot.

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