Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Plot

I have developed some ideas for the Game Trailer. I got most of these ideas from when I was doing my Robinson Group Bursary Bid work. I used lots of characters from lots of my favourite games, cartoons, anime, etc. My favourite of all these characters is King Harkinian from the Zelda CD-i games. He is my favourite character because of his personality, and I think he would be good for my game trailer because of his funny quotes "Mah Boi!" and "I wonder whats for dinner!" I would also have Dr. Robotnik in my trailer as well. He will be in my trailer because I like his evil personality and his quote "SnooPING AS usual, I see?"

Team Paradox Logo

When we designed our team logo, we first had to think of a name. We had a team meeting , where we thought of all sorts of names for our team logo. Examples include: Waffles Galaxy, One Piece, Broken Steel, Pineapple Industries, Paradox, and Xion.

In our next meeting, we organised which members we had in which team. Our team consists of Lee York, Miles Mullarky, Me, Andrew Wilson, andw Charlotte Ellam. We then voted for which team name we liked the best, with the final 3 choices being Paradox, Pineapple Industries, and Xion. We eventually decided on Paradox. I wish we had chosen Pineapple Industries, because it was one that I made and I thought it would have suited it perfectly in my opinion.

We then made our own versions of the Paradox logo, in Photoshop. In our next meeting, we all voted on which logos were the best, and which one we would use. We eventually decided on a hybrid of Charlotte's and Mile's logo. My logo didnt get any votes, but I'm not too bothered about that, even though my logo was good. I think the one that was chosen was a good compromise.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Some problems of working in a team include:

Punctuality at meetings. If everyone is not present at the meeting on time, it can delay the whole project, making it more difficult to meet deadlines, and possibly miss them.

Time management. If the team doesn't manage their time effectively, quality can be affected due to not being able to spend sufficient time on areas of the game that need to be perfected.

Arguments. This could be a problem because it would hold things up. By making sure that any new idea is one everyone agrees with, this would avoid this problem.

Financial. The average cost for a game trailer is anything from £1500 to £15,000. One thing the team would have to do would be to manage their finances effectively. If the team runs out of money, they would not be able to create the gametrailer. They might lose members of the team, or perhaps even the whole team.

Patents, etc. Patents are insurance/protections for ideas and creations that prevent other people from just taking that idea and passing it off as their own. Our team would have to make sure they patented their gametrailer and made sure that royalties would be paid to them if anyone wanted to use the content they had created.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Identify the Roles of your Team

Charlotte: Game Designer. Her job would involve devising the game world, setting, story, characters, items, and all other elements of the games structure and such like. It would be her responsibility to ensure that the whole team understands and shares the original concept and vision of the game.

Andrew: Animator. His job would be animating characters, vehicles, scenery, etc. One main job he would do would be making "cutscenes", which are the games pre-rendered, non-linear sequences.

Miles: External Producer. He would work away from the main team, usually working for a game producer, and ensure everything ran smoothly regarding the delivery of a game. He will often be making trips between the game publisher and developer, to ensure eveything runs smoothly between development and publishing processes.

Lee: Artist. His job would involve drawing all the visual elements of the game, from characters, to objects, textures, and so on. He would also create stroyboards and concept art.

Me: Game Programmer. My job would involve the programming of games, including scripting, physics programming, AI, interface and control systems.

Game Tralier Teamwork

Interpersonal skills - Its important to get on with your team members, so you can get things done quicker. We've had 3 entire team meetings, the first of which was team selection, the second of which was voting for a name for the team, and the third of which was voting for a logo for the team. We decided to call the team "Paradox", and the team consists of me, Andrew, Miles, Charlotte, and Lee.

Charlotte's most useful strength is knowledge of current games. Her ideal role would be a Game Designer.
Andrew's main strengths are good knowledge of 3DS MAX, MS Paint, and Photoshop. His ideal role would be an Animator.
Miles's most useful strength is presentations. His ideal role would be an External Producer.
Lee's most useful strength is drawing. His ideal role would be an Artist.
My most useful strength is my knowledge of games from all eras. My ideal role would be a Game Programmer.

The good things about working in a team are because there are ideas from all the team members rather than just one person otherwise. You generate more ideas as well.

The bad things about working in a team are there can be arguments. Also, as people all work at different speeds, they may not keep up with each other. Some people might also leave work for other people to do rather than doing it themselves. Some people are more reliable about turning up to meetings than others, therefore people who are not reliable may not turn up.

Overall, I'm glad that we are in teams, because overall, it makes work just slightly easier.